Pseudo-Random Binary Sequences and Data Scramblers 

Aim of the Experiment :

In this experiment you will be generating psuedo-random binary sequences using linear feedback shift registers. You will also learn about the self-synchronizing digital data scrambler and descrambler. These binary sequences will be used to simulate binary data sources for the remaining experiments.

You don't have to check out any equipment for this lab.

Deviations from the laboratory manual :

Using Mathematica to analyze connection polynimials:

Tretter's lab manual asserts that the following polynomial is irreducible, i.e., cannot be factored into simpler polynomials over modulo-2 arithmetic:

     2    3    4
1 + x + x  + x  + x
We can test this assertion in Mathematica:
In[6]:= Factor[ 1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + x^4, Modulus -> 2 ]

                 2    3    4
Out[6]= 1 + x + x  + x  + x
So, it is irreducible.

Treter's lab manual asserts that the same connection polynomial is not primitive. A polynomial of order m is primitive if the smallest value of N for which the polynomial xN - 1 is divisible by the connection polynomial equals 2m - 1. So, we can search over all N from 1 to 2m - 1 inclusive. The connection polynomial above divides x5 - 1:

In[29]:= Factor[ x^5 - 1, Modulus -> 2 ]

                           2    3    4
Out[29]= (1 + x) (1 + x + x  + x  + x )

Presentation slides for Lab 4


Submitting this assignment is optional, but doing it would be useful with your QUIZ preparations


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