Estimation and Capacity of Channels in Smart Antenna Wireless Communication Systems
Murat Torlak
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas
Monday, Jun 15, 3:00-4:00 PM, ENS 602
The proliferation of digital wireless communication services has been stimulating unprecedented demand for scarce radio spectrum. One way to increase the capacity and improve the performance of existing wireless communications systems is to incorporate the use of spatial diversity.
The aim of this proposed research is to develop new signal processing techniques and to investigate capacity for antenna array digital wireless communication systems. In particular, we will study the channel estimation problem for uplink and optimum weight vector design to maximize the channel capacity for downlink.
For uplink, we will focus on blind multi-user channel estimation in code division multiple access wireless communication systems. For downlink, we will investigate the multi-transmitter broadcast systems. A multi-transmitter broadcast channel is a communication channel in which an antenna array system is transmitting to two or more receiving users. In order to optimize performance of the communications system, we must find the optimal weight vector for each message signal that maximizes the overall channel capacity.
Our future plans include validation and adaptation for the current wireless networks through computer simulation and RF field experiments.