Digital Signal Processing Seminar

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Modem Design

Dr. Sayfe Kiaei
Manager, xDSL Technology Advanced Development
Broadband Division Motorola, Inc.
Austin, TX

Thursday, April 30, 1998, 11:00 AM, ENS 302

In this talk we will examine various digital communication blocks used in broadband applications. The focus of the talk will be on the Digital Subscriber Lines (xDSL) for high-speed connections over the existing twisted pair copper lines. These new technologies allow very high-speed data transfer ranging from several KHz for HDSL to 10 MHz for ADSL and over 50 MHz for VDSL systems. The talk will cover various modulation, line-coding, equalization, and echo cancelation methods used for xDSL.


Sayfe Kiaei is currently Member of Technical Staff with the Broadband Operations at Motorola Inc. Dr. Kiaei was an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Oregon State University (OSU) from 1987-1993 and 1995-97. He was with Boeing Research and Technology Center at Renton, WA, from 1985-86 and with Motorola Inc. Wireless Technology Center from 1993-1995 (while on Sabbatical leave from OSU). His current research activities includes design of high performance DSP systems for communication applications, broadband communication systems, VLSI system design for digital signal processing, and design of ASICs. He has authored several book chapters and over 30 papers in communications, signal processing, and mixed-signal CMOS ICs. Dr. Kiaei is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and was a Member of the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II. He is the General Chair of the International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and the Member of the technical program committee of a number of several conferences (RFIC, VTC, VLSI/Signal Processing, ISCAS, etc.). Dr. Kiaei is the recipient of the IEEE circuits and Systems Society Darlington Best Paper Award in 1994, and was the recipient of the Loyd-Carter Award for the the best teacher in the College of Engineering at Oregon State University.

A list of digital signal processing seminars is available at from the ECE department Web pages under "Seminars". The Web address for the digital signal processing seminars is