Capacity and Reliability Function for Small Peak Signal Constraints
Dr. Vijay Subramanian
Friday, February 14th, 3:00 PM, ENS 637
The capacity and reliability function as the peak constraint tends to
zero are considered for a discrete-time memoryless channel with peak
constrained inputs. Prelov and van der Meulen showed that under mild conditions
the ratio of the capacity to the squared peak constraint converges to one-half
the maximum eigenvalue of the Fisher information matrix and if the Fisher
information matrix is non-zero, the asymptotically optimal input distribution
is symmetric antipodal signaling. Under similar conditions, it is shown in the
first part of the talk that the reliability function has the same asymptotic
shape as the reliability function for the power-constrained infinite bandwidth
white Gaussian noise channel. The second part of the talk deals with
Rayleigh-fading channels. For such channels, the Fisher information matrix is
zero, indicating the difficulty of transmission over such channels with small
peak constrained signals. Asymptotics for the Rayleigh channel are derived
and applied to obtain the asymptotics of the capacity of the Marzetta and
Hochwald fading channel model for small peak constraints, and to obtain a
result of the type of Medard and Gallager for wide-band fading channels.
Dr. Vijay G. Subramanian received a B.Tech. degree from the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 1993, a M.S.
degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore in 1995, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1999. Since November of 1999 he
has been with the Global Telecommunications Solutions Sector, Motorola,
Arlington Heights working on resource allocation and channel-aware schedulers
for wireless data. His research interests include information theory,
communications, communication networks, wireless networks, and queuing theory.
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