Mr. Tiemen Spits
Texas Instruments
Wednesday, April 19th, 4:00 PM, ECJ 1.202
The wireless world is rapidly changing from the conventional voice only phone to a smart information management device. This is enabled by additions to existing standards and new emerging standards, which increase the data bandwidth from the current 10 Kb/sec to well over 100Kb/sec for the delivery of data to the handheld platform.
Where the current data usage is limited to short messaging and emails, the future of the "smart phone" or "communicator" will take us as far as the imagination of the platform developers and content providers stretches. Services like web browsing, streaming audio and video, the integration of location based services with audio and video, personal information management and wireless financial services are some of the features that we will see in the next generation. This will result in a range of new hand held devices that will allow you to have "the information you want at the time you want it, where you want it....", the paradigm being "everything, everywhere to everyone ".
The wireless devices of the future will require an ever increasing processing power coupled with prolonged battery life. The Texas Instruments leadership position in Digital Signal Processors positions it ideally to provide the solutions that will make this future a reality.
A list of Telecommunications and Signal Processing Seminars is available at from the ECE department Web pages under "Seminars". The Web address for the Telecommunications and Signal Processing Seminars is