Kyle Wesson
Kyle Wesson finished his Ph.D. degree in May 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Brian L. Evans and Prof. Todd Humphreys at The University of Texas at Austin. His dissertation was entitled Secure Navigation and Timing without Local Storage of Secret Keys.

He received his BSEE degree in Spring 2009 from Cornell University and MSECE degree in Spring 2012 from The University of Texas at Austin. For 2009-2010 and 2013-2014, he received a UT Austin Microelectronic and Computer Development Fellowship. From 2010-2011 to 2012-2013, he received a US National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship. Since July 2014, he has been wiwht Zeta Associates in Fairfax, Virginia, which became a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin on Aug. 18, 2014.

His PhD research was in statistical signal processing with applications in anti-spoofing methods for global positioning systems (GPS).

At UT Austin, he was affiliated with both the Embedded Signal Processing Lab and the Radio Navigation Lab.

He can be reached at <>.