ESPL Meeting Schedule

The Embedded Signal Processing Lab meets regularly to

In each of the meetings during the fall and spring semester, one student gives an short, informal presentation of the topic of their choosing. (Hopefully, this topic involves their research or something remotely related to the ESPL.) Below is the schedule for the group meetings in summer 1999.

May 17 ENS537 2:30pm Clint Slatton Estimating the Vertical Structure of Vegetated Terrain Using Interferometric Radar
May 27 ENS537 5:00pm Guner Arslan Speaker Localization for Far-field and Near-field Wideband Sources Using Neural Networks
Biao Lu Channel Equalization by Feedforward Neural Networks
June 10 ENS537 5:00pm Greg Allen A Framework for Real-Time High-Throughput Signal and Image Processing on Workstations
July 8 ENS537 5:00pm Greg Allen A Framework for Real-Time High-Throughput Signal and Image Processing Systems on Workstations
July 10 ENS537 2:00pm Guner Arslan Equalization Techniques for Multicarrier Modulation
July 13 ENS537 5:00pm Clint Slatton Vertical Superresolution Methods for Interferometric Radar Imaging
August 2 ENS537 4:00pm Murat Torlak Estimation and Capacity of Channels in Smart Antenna Communication Systems
August 8 ENS537 2:00pm Greg Allen A Framework for Real-Time High-Throughput Signal and Image Processing Systems on Workstations
August 10 ENS537 5:00pm Daniel Chan Binary-to-Binary Translation
Peter Ka Lee
Guner Arslan Equalization Techniques for Multicarrier Modulation
August 17 ENS537 5:00pm Clint Slatton Vertical Superresolution Methods for Interferometric Radar Imaging

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Last updated: August 17, 1999