ESPL Meeting Schedule

The Embedded Signal Processing Lab meets regularly to

In each of the meetings during the fall and spring semester, one student gives an short, informal presentation of the topic of their choosing. (Hopefully, this topic involves their research or something remotely related to the ESPL.) Below is the schedule for the group meetings in spring 2001.

January 19 ENS537 11:00am
February 2 ENS537 11:00am Serene Banerjee VLSI Project
February 9 ENS537 11:00am Babar Ahmed Channel Coding
Mazyar Razzaz Wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) Abnormality Detector and Transmitter
February 23 ENS537 11:00am Ming Ding ADSL/VDSL Transceiver Design
March 2 ENS537 11:00am
March 30 ENS537 11:00am Young Cho Optimizing Performance of a 3-D Sonar Beamformer on the PowerPC with AltiVec Extensions
April 6 ENS537 11:00am Vivek Mani Client-server Program
Gary Bernitz
April 20 ENS537 11:00am Dogu Arifler Mobile and Active Networking Project
Wade Berglund Time-Domain Equalizer Design on the Motorola 56300 DSP
Wade Schwartzkopf Entropy Estimation
April 26 ENS537 5:00pm Serene Banerjee Vision Systems Project
Zhengting He Vision Systems Project
Milos Milosevic
May 4 ENS537 11:00am Clint Slatton Adaptive Multiscale Data Fusion with Applications
Greg Allen

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Last updated: April 26, 2001