ESPL Meeting Schedule

The Embedded Signal Processing Lab meets regularly to

In each of the meetings during the fall and spring semester, one student gives an short, informal presentation of the topic of their choosing. (Hopefully, this topic involves their research or something remotely related to the ESPL.) Below is the schedule for the group meetings in spring 2000.

January 28 ENS537 11:00am
February 4 ENS537 11:00am Biao Lu Optimum, Sub-optimum, Blind Time-Domain Equalizers in Discrete Multitone Systems
February 11 ENS537 11:00am Magesh Valliappan Joint Optimization of Multiple Behavioral and Implementation Properties of Digital IIR Filter Designs
Hamood Rehman A GUI for an MP3 decoder
February 18 ENS537 11:00am Dr. Faouzi Kossentini All You Need to Know about Stocks
March 3 ENS537 11:00am Serene Banerjee Optimization of the H.263 codec on TMS320C6x
March 24 ENS537 11:00am Greg Allen Computational Process Networks for High-Throughput Real-Time Signal and Image Processing on Workstations
David Brunke Optimization of Vertical and Horizontal Beamforming Kernels on the PowerPC G4 Processor with AltiVec Technology
March 31 ENS537 11:00am Clint Slatton Estimating Surface and Vegetation Heights from Interferometric Radar Imagery
Wade Schwartzkopf Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Using Neural Networks
April 7 ENS537 11:00am Junichi Sugiura Wireless Infrared Security Camera
April 14 ENS537 11:00am Milos Milosevic VDSL modems
Magesh Valliappan How to Win Friends and Influence Halftones
David Tompkins
April 28 ENS537 11:00am Berna Erol Key VOP Selection MPEG-4 Compressed Domain
Serene Banerjee Optimization of the H.263 codec on TMS320C6x
Young Cho Eye Tracking
May 12 ENS537 11:00am Guner Arslan Optimum Channel Shortening for Multicarrier Transceivers
Niranjan Damera-Venkata Parallel Implementation of Multifilters
Hamood Rehman A GUI for an MP3 decoder

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Last updated: May 11, 2000