ESPL Meeting Schedule

The Embedded Signal Processing Lab meets regularly to

In each of the meetings during the fall and spring semester, one student gives an short, informal presentation of the topic of their choosing. (Hopefully, this topic involves their research or something remotely related to the ESPL.) Below is the schedule for the group meetings in fall 1999.

September 3 ENS537 11:00am Mohamed Gzara Multi-Criteria Optimization for Digital IIR Filter Designs
September 17 ENS537 11:00am Biao Lu Performance Comparison of Time-Domain Equalizers
October 1 ENS537 11:00am Milos Milosevic Frame and Symbol Synchronization in ADSL
October 18 ENS537 8:00pm Wade Schwartzkopf Low-Complexity Velocity Estimation in High-Speed Optical Doppler Tomography Systems
Guner Arslan Quality Assessment of Compression Techniques for Synthetic Aperature Radar Images
October 21 ENS537 5:00pm Niranjan Damera-Venkata Error-Diffusion Halftoning: Analysis, Design and Implementation
October 22 ENS537 11:00am Magesh Valliappan Lossy Compression of Stochastic Halftones with JBIG2
Brian Evans Fast Rehalftoning and Interpolated Halftoning Algorithms with Flat Low-Frequency Response
November 12 ENS537 11:00am Guner Arslan Practice for Wavelets class project
David Brunke IP Next Generation
November 19 ENS537 11:00am Serene Banerjee Practice for Image Processing and Wavelet class projects
Young Cho Automatic Target Recognition
Magesh Valliappan Practice for Wavelets class project

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Last updated: October 18, 1999