ESPL Meeting Schedule

The Embedded Signal Processing Lab meets regularly to

In each of the meetings during the fall and spring semester, one student gives an short, informal presentation of the topic of their choosing. (Hopefully, this topic involves their research or something remotely related to the ESPL.) Below is the schedule for the group meetings in fall 2001.

August 31 ENS537 10:30am Brian Evans ESPL research overview
September 7 ENS537 10:30am
September 14 ENS537 10:30am Ming Ding Channel Memory Truncation in ADSL
September 21 ENS537 10:30am Milos Milosevic New Approaches to the Design of TEQ FIR
September 28 ENS537 10:30am Brian Evans FM Halftoning Via Block Error Diffusion
Color Error Diffusion with Generalized Optimum Noise Shaping
Wade Schwartzkopf Minimum Entropy Segmentation Applied to Multi-Spectral Chromosome Images
October 19 ENS537 10:30am Vishal Monga High-Quality Iterative Halftoning Methods
Dogu Arifler Wavelet-based Throughput Estimation in IP
October 26 ENS537 10:30am
November 2 ENS537 10:30am Greg Allen Implementation of a Sonar Signal Processor using Computational Process Networks
Rashmi Tripathi Equalization for Bluetooth Systems
November 9 ENS537 10:30am Zukang Shen Spread Spectrum Communication
Esther Resendiz ADSL Transceiver Design
Serene Banerjee JPEG 2000: Low-memory Implementation and Visual Enhancements
November 30 ENS536 10:30am Dogu Arifler Observing Scaling in Video Traffic
Alden Doyle Real-time digital tuner for violin
Ketan Mandke ADSL Transceiver Design
Dan Huff Implementation of Active Sonar Receive Array Signal Processing on a TI TMS320C5510 DSP

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Last updated: November 29, 2001