ESPL Meeting Schedule

The Embedded Signal Processing Lab meets regularly to

In each of the meetings during the fall and spring semester, one student gives an short, informal presentation of the topic of their choosing. (Hopefully, this topic involves their research or something remotely related to the ESPL.) Below is the schedule for the group meetings in fall 2000.

September 8 ENS537 11:00am Brian Evans ESPL Research Overview
Greg Allen Computational Process Networks
October 6 ENS537 11:00am Biao Lu Fast Time-Domain Equalization for Discrete Multitone Modulation Systems
Brian Evans A Signal Processing System-Level Design Course
October 13 ENS537 11:00am Serene Banerjee Multidimensional DSP Literature Survey
October 20 ENS537 11:00am Serene Banerjee VLIW vs. Superscalar Implementation of a Baseline H.263 Video Encoder
Young Cho Optimization of Vertical and Horizontal Beamforming Kernels on the PowerPC
October 27 ENS537 11:00am Guner Arslan Efficient Matrix Multiplication Methods to Implement a Near-Optimum Channel Shortening Method for Discrete Multitone Transceivers
Young Cho Optimized Automatic Target Recognition on Scalable Myrinet FPGA Nodes
November 10 ENS537 11:00am Milos Milosevic Echo Cancellation in DMT
Jerel Canales ADSL Time-Domain Equalizer
November 17 ENS537 11:00am Ming Ding ADSL Time-Domain Equalizer Design
Francisco Serna Development of a Location Based Advertisment Display for Taxis
David J. Love Real-Time Implementation of an ADSL Time-Domain Equalizer
December 1 ENS537 noon Serene Banerjee The EASE Branch Predictor
Zhengting He Image/Video Processing project
Scott Margo ADSL Time-Domain Equalizer
December 8 ENS537 11:00am Babar Ahmed Channel Coding
Wade Schwartzkopf Eigenanalysis of Chromosomes

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Last updated: December 7, 2000