Assignment 3
1 . Circular buffers are implemented in software by actually shifting the values in the
buffer locations circularly. (T/F)
2 . With 4/8/16 khz i/p signal how much time do you have to process a sample?
3 . Enumerate steps in setting up a circular buffer.
4 . Window method is an optimal filter design technique. (T/F)
5 . The REMEZ Algorithm uses an Analog to Digital Transformation to design digital filters . (T/F)
6 . What is the delay in a causal FIR filter of N points.
7 . How can we compensate for the delay in Q 6. in a areal-time application.
8 . Explain the purpose of .cprog and .reg assembler directives in TMSC6701 assembly language.
9 . When implementing an FIR filter in TMSC6701 assembly, why is it necessary to compute the first product before performing the remaining N-1 products
using a parallel instruction?
10 . How is an i/p sample stored in x circ[] made available to the assembly function convol.ASM in a mixed implementation of the FIR filter.
11 . Draw an implementation of an IIR filter using FIR structures.
12 . Does the IIR filter designed by IIR.EXE always represent a stable filter.
13 . Use benchmarking to find out the time taken to process a sample in a
a) C
b) Assembly
c) mixed
14 . Increase the order of your filter.
What happens to the time to process a sample.
15 . What do you notice about the order of the FIR and IIR filters required to filter a given data.