EE345S Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Laboratory - Instructional Staff and Resources

Background of the Instructors

Brian L. Evans is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UT Austin. His current interests include the design and real-time implementation of ADSL/VDSL transceivers, OFDM basestations, desktop printer pipelines, and 3-D sonar imaging systems. At the undergraduate level, he teaches EE 313 Linear Systems and Signals and EE 345S Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Lab. At the graduate level, he teaches EE 381K-14 Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing and EE 382C-9 Embedded Software Systems. His BSEECS (1987) degree is from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and his MSEE (1988) and PhDEE (1993) degrees are from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His first experience programming on digital signal processors was in Spring of 1988.

The TAs will run the laboratory sections, grade lab reports, answer e-mail, hold office hours, etc. The head TA is Mr. Alex Olson. His research interest is in distributed signal processing. The other TAs are Mr. Ahmad Sheikh and Ms. Meenakshi Venkataraman. Their research interests are in wireless communication systems. A grader has been allocated to grade homework assignments.

Supplemental Information

The Wireless Networking and Communications Seminar is on Fridays.

On the Web, you can access the abstracts and papers in many databases. The IEEE database is at If you are off campus, then you can access these databases by first connecting to, then selecting the database under Research Tools, and finally logging in using your UT EID. An INSPEC database is also available.


$\bullet$ Circuit Cellular Magazine

$\bullet$ Electronic Design Magazine

$\bullet$ Embedded Systems Programming Magazine

$\bullet$ Sensors Magazine

$\bullet$ TI Developer's Conference 2005


$\bullet$ Journal on Embedded Systems

$\bullet$ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems

$\bullet$ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

$\bullet$ IEEE Transactions on Computers

$\bullet$ IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design

$\bullet$ IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

$\bullet$ Proc. IEEE Design Automation Conference

$\bullet$ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design

$\bullet$ Proc. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium

$\bullet$ Proc. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems

$\bullet$ Proc. Int. Workshop on Code Generation for Embedded Processors

$\bullet$ Proc Workshop on Computer and Architecture Support for Embedded Systems

Brian L. Evans