Signal and Image Processing Seminar

An Overview of Seismic Data Processing

Dr. Saad Saleh
Integrated Reservoir Modeling
Bellaire Technology Center
Shell Oil Company
Houston, TX 77001-0481

Friday, November 13, 2:00 - 3:00 PM, ENS 302

A large number of scientific methods have been used throughout this century in the search for oil and gas. By far, the most common method in this search has been the seismic method. This approach to hydrocarbon exploration includes the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of seismic data. That is, sound waves are sent into the ground, and various reflections, refractions, and diffractions of these waves are recorded by receivers on the surface of the earth. This data is subsequently processed to generate a 3-dimensional image of the subsurface rock formations. Finally, the resulting image is interpreted by geologists and geophysicists to determine the location of potential commercial quantities of oil and gas.

In this talk, we focus on the signal processing aspect of the seismic method. In particular, we address the following issues:

Finally, we focus on some of the new emerging lines of research in this field, with special emphasis on those areas closely related to signal processing.

A list of digital signal processing seminars is available at from the ECE department Web pages under "Seminars". The Web address for the digital signal processing seminars is