Signal and Image Processing Seminar

Tomographic Imaging the Microvasculature

Prof. Thomas Milner

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712-1084

Wednesday, November 11, 12:30 - 2:00 PM, ENS 302

Tomographic imaging of tissue microvasculature will assist biomedical researchers and physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of diseases. The basic physical mechanisms relevant in two novel optical techniques for tomographic imaging of microvasculature use photothermal excitation and the coherent properties of light: these techniques are infrared tomographic microscopy and optical Doppler tomography. The basic principles underlying each tomographic method will be described and the multidimensional nature of associated signal processing problems indicated. Application of the tomographic imaging techniques to biomedical problems involving the microvasculature will be described.

A list of digital signal processing seminars is available at from the ECE department Web pages under "Seminars". The Web address for the digital signal processing seminars is